We make our living as an online registration, printing and RFID race timing service provided for mass participation events.
After COVID in 2020, with lockdowns the mass participation events we are providing services for either got postponed or cancelled. Fortunately we have some programming abilities and for 6 months we pecked away at the keyboard writing a GPS enabled race app we call D3_VR that can facilitate a virtual race via your mobile phone available in Android and iOS.
I spent 20 years providing service for races and events, I hope that we can make it round the corner and, this year wont be the last.
We created this because pre-COVID we are at races most our weekends. We thrive on races and competition as something to train and look forward to. We love the race atmosphere and crowd. This is no substitute for a physical race but could be the next best thing. While we cannot run together, we can still race together.